DJI Mavic Firmware V01.04.0400 Update Issue

As a premier DJI repair facility, there has been a recent spike in firmware related issues specific to various current DJI products. The issue is classified as critical due to the high probability that numerous hardware components and functions are rendered inoperable following updates even when successfully completed.

Issues we’ve encountered on nearly all submitted DJI repairs in the last 10 days included some or all of the following:

-Loss of all camera focus capabilities

-Loss of aperture, shutter speed and ISO control -Loss of video feed -Loss of camera mode control -DJI Go 4 app displays all camera settings as N/A -Corruption of Occusync core board requiring total replacement -App continually alerts you to update firmware despite being current (not all cases)

If your DJI aircraft is not running the most current firmware we highly recommend not updating it and contacting us immediately. DJI has confirmed the issue is widespread and their course of action is to attempt a roll back on the aircraft to the previous version suggesting this will temporarily solve the issue. We know for fact it will not and their second and final option is to send in the aircraft for repair which is forwarded directly to ASIA as DJI does not have a solution.

Fortunately we have solved this issue and have successfully restored all functionality on the latest firmware for all out customers that have encountered this frustrating issue. The resolution is time consuming but extremely effective. If you would like to avoid the issue completely or are currently grounded due to the issues listed above, contract AerialPixels today and get back in the air in as little as 24hrs. Our flat fee for this repair is $125


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