Tag: phobotic

  • Phobotic Centerpiece New Firmware Release 1330

    Phobotic Centerpiece New Firmware Release 1330

    Phobotic Centerpiece HV Brushless Gimbal Controller - 3 Axis CP HV Phobotic Centerpiece Brushless Gimbal Controller - 3 Axis CP


    Phobotic Centerpiece – What’s New

    • Many improvements to stabilization and Autotune
    • Gimbal Analyzer: a new feature available from the GUI that lets you run performance tests on each axis and see how well the gimbal responds on a graph.
    • Follow profiles: each axis can have up to 5 different follow configurations that can be quickly switched from the GUI.
    • Follow presets: each follow profile can be quickly set up by choosing a pre-made configuration from a list.
    • Pole position: easy fine tuning of the yaw home position (see in-app help)
    • Improved R/C position limiter:
      • Added a more intuitive GUI for setting the position limits.
      • In angle mode, the position range is mapped to the R/C travel, to avoid a dead stick range.
      • Also in angle mode, there’s now an option to set the position of the axis when the R/C stick is at zero.
      • In speed mode, the deceleration near the position limits can be made less/more abrupt.
    • Easier setup of R/C follow control
    • Fixed some saved profiles failing to load
    • Fixed R/C angle mode on an axis with follow
    • Fixed LED display of battery status
    • When autotune fails, an error message is now displayed in the GUI
    • Various improvements to the diagnostics sent in support requests
    • Lots of other small improvements & bugfixes

    New Phobotic Manual
