Testing Alexmos 3 Axis Gimbal for Gopro Hero 3







5 responses to “Testing Alexmos 3 Axis Gimbal for Gopro Hero 3”

  1. Sean Flanigan

    Any update as to when this setup will be available? I’m very interested in the FFC cables and FFC headers for my existing setup…

    1. Aerial

      In about 2 weeks. We might carry the gopro USB cable separate with the headers.

      1. Sean Flanigan

        What will the price range be? I am about to purchase about $600 worth of 3-axis gimbal components but I would like to wait depending on what the price will be for this setup. Even knowing a “ballpark” figure will help.

      2. Sean Flanigan

        Hi there, it has been over 1 month since last reply. I see that these flat cables are now available for GoPro A/V. Are these cables available for motors or IMU? Complete setup available or no?

        1. Aerial

          Sorry for the delay. Had to go with a completely different controller board so took longer than expected. Trying our best to release it before the new year.

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