New Alexmos Expansion Board with PWM and SPI encoder connections. New aluminum CNC case (prototype shown) with black finish. 35cm, 45cm and 75cm encoder breakout connectors. On board bluetooth module. Available in 2 weeks.
Tag: pwm
Testing Alexmos SimpleBGC with Encoders Firmware 2.44B4
Motors with SPI/PWM Encoders
New Alexmos Encoder Firmware Upgrade
Using encoders with SimpleBGC board gives the following advantages:
1. Prevents motors from loosing synchronization and skipping steps.
2. Provides the information about frame angle and angle of the camera relative to frame, that can be
important for some kind of applications.
3. Can significantly decrease power consumption by using field-oriented control strategy to drive
4. Increases instant torque the same way.
5. Provides possibility to get information about the camera balance and makes automatic balancing
(with help of extra DC servomotors and moving counterweights).
6. Option to adjust camera position by hands.
7. Increase the precision of stabilization by applying FOC-specific compensations.
List of Supported Encoders
AMT203 – absolute (capacitive technology) 12bit, SPI communication
AS5048A,B – absolute (magnetic) 14bit, PWM, I2C or SPI communication, not assembled.
MA3 – absolute (magnetic) 10-12bit, assembled. PWM communication.