Tag: Basecamelectronics

  • Alexmos Firmware 2.60b4 – latest stable version – Basecamelectronics

    Alexmos Firmware 2.60b4 – latest stable version – Basecamelectronics

    Basecamelectronics Alexmos New Firmware Release 2.60B4

    New features

    • New enhanced PID auto-tuning algorithm:
      • Fast and reliable;
      • Finds most optimal PID gains to minimize error of stabilization and prevent self-excitation;
      • Flexible: can tune PID from zero or slightly adjust gains starting from the current values;
      • Able to tune other parameters, like low-pass filters;
      • Has safety interrupts to prevent damage in case of wrong system operation;
      • No GUI connection is required – can be run by the menu button command;
      • Allows to update PID settings in all profiles;
    • New settings “Filters” – “D-term LPF filters” that can help to remove high-frequency oscillations in some setups and allows to set greater PID gains
    • Notch filters are extended: can be used as peak filter; gain is set in dB instead of %
    • Acceleration limiter setting is split per-axis
    • New types of encoders are supported for YAW axis in the regular firmware: PWM and I2C.
    • New option “PID Gain multiplier” to extend the range of  PID settings or link PID gain to adjustable variables, to tune it on-line by the analog potentiometer or RC.
    • Serial API was extended by many new commands
    • Option to disable of using gyro signal from the frame IMU for stabilization, but keep it for a frame angle detection; option to pass it through  low-pass filter with adjustable cut-off frequency. Both options  are useful in the case of high level of vibrations on the frame.
    • Add a support of MavLink protocol for Ardupilot FC connection (beta state), that allows to increase a precision of stabilization and control over gimbal in automated missions.
    • Option to backup/restore IMU calibrations to a file
    • (Encoder version) Motor over-heating protection is improved: more precise model, virtual temperature is shown in the GUI to simplify tuning process; new safety action: alarm and cut-off motors
    • (Encoder version) “Encoder field offset” parameter is calibrated automatically, no frame movement is required.
    • Parameter “Magnetic linkage of a motor” will improve precision of stabilization; new auto-calibration function for this parameter
    • Angle of motors can be used as a source in the “Adjustable Variables” to set a dependency of the system parameters on the camera-to-frame relative position, set by the inner (counting from the camera) and the middle motor’s angles
    • Option to enable 3rd serial port: UART2 (Rx: AUX3, Tx: n/c); option to swap pins with the RC_SERIAL port (Rx: RC_ROLL, Tx: RC_YAW). In the encoder-enabled version, ports are swapped by default.
    • New menu commands to switch to selfie mode by rotating camera 180 degrees from current position or 0/180 relative to home position, by the YAW axis.
    • Several new commands in scripting language; option to use dynamic variables linked to the RC signal sources
    • Option to automatically switch to upside-down mode (both frame and camera) and auto-rotate camera when frame is rotated +-180 degrees over PITCH axis.


    • Fixed problems with USB connection in “Tiny” boards
    • RC control is slightly improved: smoother “Angle” mode, no overshoot after fast breaks
    • Script parser: properly handles speed below 0.07 degree/sec for very slow time-lapses
    • Fixed problems with the firmware upgrade under modern MacOS versions
    • Many minor improvements of the system performance in various conditions


    GUI Windows, OS X, LinuxSimpleBGC_GUI_2_60b4.zip
    User Manual EnglishSimpleBGC_32bit_manual_2_6x_eng.pdf 

  • Alexmos New Firmware Release 2.56B7 – Basecamelectronics

    Alexmos New Firmware Release 2.56B7 – Basecamelectronics


    GUI (Windows, OS X, Linux): SimpleBGC_GUI_2_56b7.zip (8Mb 20.01.2016)
    User Manual (English): SimpleBGC_32bit_manual_2_5x_eng.pdf (1Mb 24.12.2015)

    New hardware

    • Support of ICM20608 gyroscope+accelerometer sensor.
    • New option “I2C high-speed”. Use it carefully: high-speed mode may cause I2C errors.
    • Support for saving and restoring of calibration data to the IMU’s EEPROM (if present).
    • Support of analog encoder (rotary position sensor) on YAW axis in the regular firmware.
    • New option “Advanced” ? “Order of hardware axes” that supports several configurations besides the standard “Camera – PITCH – ROLL – YAW” configuration.
    • Support of magnetometer sensor (compass) to prevent drift of gyroscope. Can be combined with the frame IMU or the main IMU.

    Control algorithms:

    • New setting: “RC” -> “Order of Euler angles” that allows extending the possible trajectories of a camera and the range of working angles.
    • Improved the precision of RC control in the “Follow” mode
    • New option “Follow” – “Apply an offset correction when an axis is not following.”
    • New option “Follow” – “Follow rate inside dead-band” to apply very soft control to keep camera always in the center of the dead-band.

    Sensors calibration:

    • Regular calibration of Accelerometer and gyroscope does not discard the results of temperature calibration but improves it.
    • ACC calibration at “normal” Z-top position does not discard the results of 6-point calibration.
    • Magnetometer (compass) calibration was significantly improved:
      • you do not need a GUI connection (allows to calibrate in the field by menu button);
      • an ellipsoid approximation is used;
    • New option to skip gyro calibration if gimbal is not fixed well during startup: it allows to start with fresh calibration for best quality, or to start immediately with the previous calibration.

    IMU improvements:

    • Advanced algorithms for correction of mutual drift in both IMUs.
    • “2nd IMU above YAW” position is more reliable now.
    • New option “ACC low-pass filter” that helps to improve the stability of the IMU angles. Under dynamic conditions like motion with short lateral accelerations.

    Other functionality:

    • New adjustable variables GYRO_HEADING_CORRECTION and FRAME_HEADING_ANGLE that helps to manually correct YAW axis drift.
    • New option “Advanced” – “Set to the normal position on profile switch”.
    • Better handling of high-speed control from scripts.
    • Improved the range of working angles in 1- and 2-axes systems, making use of 2nd IMU or encoders; all possible 2-axes configurations are supported now.
    • New menu command: “Untwist cables”.
    • New checkbox “Advanced” – “Upside-down PITCH auto-rotation” to turn camera when turning frame upside-down.
    • New option “Follow” – “Use frame IMU, if possible” to use 2nd IMU for the “Follow Mode” control, to make it more reliable.
    • New menu command: “Center YAW axis” to move a camera to the neutral position by YAW.
    • New menu command: “Level Roll, Pitch to the horizon”.
    • New option “Service” – “Blink profile number” – onboard LED will show currently selected profile.
    • Proper handling of “gimbal lock” condition – when YAW and PITCH motor axes are parallel.
    • (GUI) New “Emergency stop” option (stop motors in case of the big rate of I2C errors).
    • (GUI) Serial-over-UDP connection is supported to configure remote devices via a network (WiFi, Ethernet, Internet).
    • Menu button pressed 12 times in series will reset “Serial speed” setting to default value 115200.
    • OuterP, OuterI gain increased 5x times.

    Encoder-enabled firmware:

    • Option to emergency stop if the motor angles reported by the encoder differs a lot from the angle reported by the 2nd IMU.
    • Encoder-to-motor gearing ratio can be adjusted.
    • In the case of geared setup, the uncertainty of the motor or the frame angle detection at startup can be removed with the help of 2nd IMU.
    • Option to enable Briefcase position auto-detection on-the-fly when in “Follow” mode: just hold the camera by hand and turn frame 90° degrees.
    • More reliable soft limits; option to enable/disable them for each motor independently.
    • Back-EMF compensation is applied at full battery voltage amplitude. It allows getting the maximum speed from the motor (that is limited by the Kv parameter of a motor) even with the low “POWER” setting.

    Serial API

    • CMD_CONTROL command with the extended format allows specifying different control modes for each axis.
    • CMD_AHRS_HELPER command allows accessing internal IMU attitude in DCM form, to use it in the external system or to replace or correct it by the information acquired from the high-grade external IMU.

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    How to setup the Alexmos Bluetooth Module with the SimpleBGC Android App from Basecam Electronics

    [wp_lightbox_prettyPhoto_video link=”http://vimeo.com/89653521″ width=”800″ height=”600″ description=”Alexmos SimpleBGC App for Android Setup with Bluetooth Module” source=”https://aerialpixels.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/SimpleBGC-Android-App.jpg” title=”Alexmos SimpleBGC App for Android Setup with Bluetooth Module”]