
  • Upgrading a TBS Discovery with T-Motors

    Upgrading a TBS Discovery with T-Motors

    Upgrading a clients TBS Discovery stock TBS motors with T-Motor (Tiger Motor) 2216 900KV Motors


    T-Motor (Tiger Motor) 2216 900KV
    T-Motor (Tiger Motor) 2216 900KV


    T-Motor (Tiger Motor) 2216 900KV
    T-Motor (Tiger Motor) 2216 900KV


    Removed the 3.5mm bullet connectors from the TBS 30A ESC and hardwired the motors directly to the ESC.


    Remove 3.5mm Bullets
    3.5mm bullets removed from the TBS 30A ESC





  • RCTIMER 2-Axis Brushless Gimbal

    RCTIMER 2-Axis Brushless Gimbal added to shop and is ready to ship.

    [product id=”” sku=”RCTBLG2AX”]

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    At Aerialpixels, we are taking a different approach to the world of RC Multirotors, where customer comes first. 16/7 phone, text and email support that knows inside out the hobby. Come, take a look around, we have great prices too. All products listed are tried and tested.