
  • Alexmos Firmware 2.60b4 – latest stable version – Basecamelectronics

    Alexmos Firmware 2.60b4 – latest stable version – Basecamelectronics

    Basecamelectronics Alexmos New Firmware Release 2.60B4

    New features

    • New enhanced PID auto-tuning algorithm:
      • Fast and reliable;
      • Finds most optimal PID gains to minimize error of stabilization and prevent self-excitation;
      • Flexible: can tune PID from zero or slightly adjust gains starting from the current values;
      • Able to tune other parameters, like low-pass filters;
      • Has safety interrupts to prevent damage in case of wrong system operation;
      • No GUI connection is required – can be run by the menu button command;
      • Allows to update PID settings in all profiles;
    • New settings “Filters” – “D-term LPF filters” that can help to remove high-frequency oscillations in some setups and allows to set greater PID gains
    • Notch filters are extended: can be used as peak filter; gain is set in dB instead of %
    • Acceleration limiter setting is split per-axis
    • New types of encoders are supported for YAW axis in the regular firmware: PWM and I2C.
    • New option “PID Gain multiplier” to extend the range of  PID settings or link PID gain to adjustable variables, to tune it on-line by the analog potentiometer or RC.
    • Serial API was extended by many new commands
    • Option to disable of using gyro signal from the frame IMU for stabilization, but keep it for a frame angle detection; option to pass it through  low-pass filter with adjustable cut-off frequency. Both options  are useful in the case of high level of vibrations on the frame.
    • Add a support of MavLink protocol for Ardupilot FC connection (beta state), that allows to increase a precision of stabilization and control over gimbal in automated missions.
    • Option to backup/restore IMU calibrations to a file
    • (Encoder version) Motor over-heating protection is improved: more precise model, virtual temperature is shown in the GUI to simplify tuning process; new safety action: alarm and cut-off motors
    • (Encoder version) “Encoder field offset” parameter is calibrated automatically, no frame movement is required.
    • Parameter “Magnetic linkage of a motor” will improve precision of stabilization; new auto-calibration function for this parameter
    • Angle of motors can be used as a source in the “Adjustable Variables” to set a dependency of the system parameters on the camera-to-frame relative position, set by the inner (counting from the camera) and the middle motor’s angles
    • Option to enable 3rd serial port: UART2 (Rx: AUX3, Tx: n/c); option to swap pins with the RC_SERIAL port (Rx: RC_ROLL, Tx: RC_YAW). In the encoder-enabled version, ports are swapped by default.
    • New menu commands to switch to selfie mode by rotating camera 180 degrees from current position or 0/180 relative to home position, by the YAW axis.
    • Several new commands in scripting language; option to use dynamic variables linked to the RC signal sources
    • Option to automatically switch to upside-down mode (both frame and camera) and auto-rotate camera when frame is rotated +-180 degrees over PITCH axis.


    • Fixed problems with USB connection in “Tiny” boards
    • RC control is slightly improved: smoother “Angle” mode, no overshoot after fast breaks
    • Script parser: properly handles speed below 0.07 degree/sec for very slow time-lapses
    • Fixed problems with the firmware upgrade under modern MacOS versions
    • Many minor improvements of the system performance in various conditions


    GUI Windows, OS X,
    User Manual EnglishSimpleBGC_32bit_manual_2_6x_eng.pdf 

  • FAA Part 107 Pre-registration now open – Register now!

    FAA Part 107 Pre-registration now open – Register now!

    FAA Part 107 initial knowledge exam, pre-registration for CATS (Computer Assisted Testing Service) is now open.

    You can register by going to

    FAA Part 107 Initial Knowledge test

    If you are a new pilot, then you should signup as soon as possible to take the test. Test cost is $150.00

    Locate a CATS testing center close to you

  • M3 Knurled (Textured) Standoffs Available soon

    M3 Knurled (Textured) Standoffs Available soon

    Knurled M3 metric standoffs in various colors available soon

    M3 Textured (knurled) Standoffs
    M3 Textured (knurled) Standoffs
    M3 Textured (knurled) Standoffs
    M3 Textured (knurled) Standoffs
  • New FAA Drone Regulations are cleared for take-off! Part 107

    New FAA Drone Regulations are cleared for take-off! Part 107

    The FAA is planning on releasing Part 107 this Tuesday, June 21st (this is what was said at AUVSI but the FAA could change this). Part 107 provides for individuals to obtain their “Remote Pilot Certificate.” This is interesting as the NPRM called them “operators” but the FAA changed the term to “pilot” now. The big distinction now will be whether you are a Part 61 pilot or a Part 107 pilot.

    Part 107 will provide a certificate as well as operating rules for drone operators who do not fall into Section 336 to operate their aircraft in the national airspace. The two main groups that will benefit will be the commercial drone operators and public sector operators.

    A large majority of the drone operators will fall into Part 107 which will be line of sight, under 55 pounds, daylight, less than 100 MPH, and below 400ft; however this is not a complete fix for everyone. Keep reading below to see what will not be covered by 107

    Read more

  • UX 1 – 3 Axis Brushless Gimbal for FLIR and Universal Aerial Applications

    UX 1 – 3 Axis Brushless Gimbal for FLIR and Universal Aerial Applications

    3 axis brushless gimbal gimbal kit for universal aerial applications like FLIR TAU cameras and Zoom Spotter cameras mounted side by side. Payload capacity up to 780g (1.71lbs).

    UX 1 – 3 Axis Brushless Gimbal Kit for FLIR and Universal Aerial Applications
    UX 1 – 3 Axis Brushless Gimbal Kit for FLIR and Universal Aerial Applications
    UX 1 – 3 Axis Brushless Gimbal Kit for FLIR and Universal Aerial Applications
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