Carboncore Y6 650mm Build

Started out by removing the bullets from ESCs

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Using blue thread-lock, attached the prop adapters to the T-Motor Navigator Series MN3110 780kv motors.

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Using blue thread-lock, attached the motors using 3mmx6mm cap head srews (does not come with the motor) to the motor mount plate. Using the kit screws attached the motor to the new 3mm motor mount plate

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Added a piece of heat-shrink to protect the motor wired from rubbing against the motor mount.

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Motor mount reinforcement installed

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Top and bottom motors installed



Stand-offs for power distribution board

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6 x ESCs Laid out


After attaching the ESCs with 3M double-sided tape, power leads cut to size and soldered. Ran a 12AWG silicone wire from the distribution board to a XT60 connector

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After attaching the top plate, routed 3 ESC signal leads to the left and 3 to the right. Routed the Naza BEC LED & Power wire through a spiral wire protector. The LED 4 conductor connector is too big to be routed through the pre-cut hole.  RCTIMER 11″x5″ props installed.

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Maiden flight soon to follow.



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