Alexmos Brushless Gimbal Controller – Latest version

Alex Mos brushless Gimbal controller in the EU version.

This is the latest version that will support all the new features of the next upcoming firmwares.

3rd Axis can be directly plugged / soldered.

In addition to the new features of Base Flight different modifications where done to allow for safer operation.

Optional voltage monitoring support with external buzzer (new firmware updates)

The performance of this board is strong enough for virtually all cases, even large engines like the 8017 does not really draw much power, about 1A at 4S, so even here a parallel operation of two motors is possible.

Alex-Mos-Brushless-Gimbal-BLG_4 Alex-Mos-Brushless-Gimbal-BLG_4_b2

Available 11/14/2013

[product id=”” sku=”BLBCV2″]


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