Firmware upgrade
You can check new versions and upgrade firmware from SimpleBGC GUI application running under Windows. Download GUI, connect board and upgrade firmware on Upgrade tab. See user manual for more info.
GUI (Windows, OS X, Linux):
User Manual (English): SimpleBGC_32bit_manual_2_41_eng.pdf
User Manual (Russian): SimpleBGC_32bit_manual_2_41_rus.pdf
New features
- New button command “Frame upside-down”. Use it to quickly re-configure system for new frame position (YAW motor is inverted, second IMU orientation is updated).
- “Beep by motors” option: motors emit sound instead of internal buzzer, when motors are energized.
- Lost of synchronization detection:
- better recovery from this mode
- notification by LED and buzzer (enable “Errors” checkbox in the “Service” tab)
- Smooth motor start at power-on
- Option to disable RC limits in SPEED mode (set min=max)
- Improved PID and IMU algorithms lets to achieve precision +-0.06 degree in dynamics, +-0.02 degree in static
- Stable work at bigger ROLL angles (system keep stability up to +-80 degree for ROLL inclination)
- Short beep on each press of menu button (if buzzer confirmation mode is enabled in GUI)
- (GUI) New extended debug variables RMS_ERR_X, FREQ_X helps to detect problems caused by oscillations
- (GUI) New “Erase EEPROM” menu command
- (GUI) Profile name is stored in the board after renaming. Max. 48 ASCII characters allowed (or less, if national characters used)
- (GUI) New option in the RC tab: “INIT.ANGLE” to set initial angle of the camera at system startup, if RC control is not applied.
Changes in settings (you need to take it into account when using profiles, saved for previous version)
- Follow speed rate is decreased 4x times, range is increased to 0..255, to make adjustments finer.
- Range for I setting was increased 2x times (old 0.01 equals new 0.02).
- Range for P, D setting was increased 4x times (values will be updated automatically after upgrading).
- Upper limit for PID values increased to 255 (2.55 for I).
- Upper limit for RC speed was increased to 255 and its effect was decreased 4x times to get finer step in adjustment.
- Changing sensor orientation in GUI does not reset calibration data.
- Fixed problems with RC control in Follow mode and Follow<->Lock transition.
- Battery voltage sensor drifting with time issue was fixed (but may be required to re-calibrate it).
- Bugfix: calibrate poles and direction did not work as expected.
- Add UART parity setting auto-detection from firmware side. Together with GUI auto-detection, it allows to connect Bluetooth modules with Parity=No|Even (but with Parity=No, module doesn”t allow to upgrade firmware).
- PID distribution between motors is more correct when frame is picthed and if ROLL and YAW motors differs a lot.
- Bug with the Serial Control fixed (board hangs after first command sent via Serial API).
- IMU: better handling of corrupted sensor data (wrong calibration, vibration, accelerated motion, etc.) and faster reach of settle point.
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